Field of activityTesting And Commissioning The Technological Equipments In Thermal-Hydro Power Plant

This important task helps plants to assess and control equipment systems before putting into operation in order to: connect to the national power grid safely and on schedule, increase efficiency and ensure the operation of equipment system safe-quality-efficient, improve technical economic citerions criterion, reduce expenses and electricity production cost, and minimize incidents during operation.

Testing and commissioning technological equipments in thermal power plant

Perform the testing and commissioning for technological systems and technological monitoring measuring equipments in new thermal power plants such as: boiler system, turbine system, generator system, boiler auxiliary equipment system( grinding system, main boiler system, dust filler system,..), Sub-turbine-generator equipment system( degassing system, condensate system, circulating system, hydrogen system, excitation system...), electrical power measurement system.
Testing and commissioning the optimal combustion for pulverized coal-fired boiler and fluidized bed boiler after major repair or upon customer request.
Research, analyze and troubleshoot of equipments related to boiler, turbine, heat equipment, non-electrical measuring equipment, automatic control and technology protection systems; propose solutions to ensure the equipment system operates safely, confidently, constantly and economically...
Consult for designing and manufacturing the equipments related to boiler, turbine, heat equipment, non-electrical measuring equipment, automatic control and technology protection systems...
Determine the technical economical characteristics of the generator units of the thermal power plants, participate in the competitive generator market. The testing is implemented following the “procedure of characteristic measurement testing for geneator unit of coal-fired thermal power plant participating the competitive electricity market” issued by the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam on August 04th, 2015.
Consult, monitor, assess the procedure of acceptance, the trial run of thermal power plant's systems for new thermal projects inside and outside power sector.
Analyze the primary elements of raw coal, powdered coal, fly ash sample, bottom ash sample, oil sample, water quality, steam quality...
Train skills for analysing and evaluating the power plant’s operation efficiency, assisting constantly the operation of thermal power plant’s units.
Participate in Scientific Research Projects of Company, Corporation, Ministry, State...

Testing and commissioning technological equipments in Hydro power plant

Generator system;
Turbine system;
Speed governor system, speed oil pump governor;
Excitor system;
Unit, Transformer measurement-protection system;
SCADA, Telecommunication information system;
Power measurement system;
Self-consumption systems, auxiliary equipment system;
AC&DC self-consumption system;
Trial run, synchronization of units.
Generator’s efficiency, construction of operating characteristics for unit;
Ventilation system;
Turbine oil.

Testing and commissioning technological equip- ments in Solar Power Plant

Testing and commissioning of substations
Testing of Gis substation;
Testing of Inverter;
Testing of battery system;
Testing of reverse power supply for connecting to the grid;
Supply of scada sorfware and configuration service to control substation and plants’ computers
Charging from grid to generate Inverter;


Thí nghiệm hiệu chỉnh thiết bị công nghệ 01

Monitoring the overhaul of turbine at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm hệ thống, thiết bị thứ cấp

Sampling floating ash for boiler testing at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm phân tích mẫu đầu

Testing and commissioning the turbines and generators at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm hiệu chỉnh Trạm biến áp 01

Testing the measurement equipment for boiler, turbine at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm hệ thống, thiết bị thứ cấp

Testing the measurement equipment for boiler, turbine at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm phân tích mẫu đầu

Monitoring the testing and commissioning of boiler, turbine at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm hiệu chỉnh Trạm biến áp 01

Testing the turbines and generators at hydro power plant

Thí nghiệm hệ thống, thiết bị thứ cấp

Generator testing at Huoi Quang Hydro Power Plant

Thí nghiệm phân tích mẫu đầu

Calibration of pressure gauge at thermal power plant

Thí nghiệm hiệu chỉnh Trạm biến áp 01

Successful connecting to the power grid of the unit H1 at Son La Hydro Power Plant (NPCETC along with the Alstom expert)

Thí nghiệm hệ thống, thiết bị thứ cấp

Ultrasound of technical water flow at Ban Chat Hydro Power Plant

Thí nghiệm phân tích mẫu đầu

Inspecting, surveying preparing for of 500kV GIS system testing at Lai Chau Hydr Power Plant

Thí nghiệm hiệu chỉnh Trạm biến áp 01

Testing and commissioning of substation

Thí nghiệm hệ thống, thiết bị thứ cấp

Measuring temperature of fire chamber for testing and commissioning the boilers

Thí nghiệm phân tích mẫu đầu

Checking the condensers for testing and commissioning turbines at thermal power plant

Why choose NPC ETC?

• Brand reputation
• Highly qualified employees
• Finacial capacity
• Machine capacity

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Done projects

With a powerful resource of personnel and equipments, NPCETC has continuously received contracts testing and commissioning for the technological equipments at hydro-thermal power plants in the North and in several provinces of the Central and the South, specifically as follows:

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Typical customers

With powerful resources of personnel and machinery-equipment, NPCETC has received the trust of many big customers.

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